Assalamu-Alykum Dear Parents,

After careful consideration, and hearing feedback from our dedicated parents, the Great Revelations Academy Board of Directors and Administration has decided to reinstate in person student learning for the 2020-2021 school year.
Parents for students in grades 1st-8th have two options:
Option 1--In Person Learning (cost, $4500 plus registration fees per child): 
Option 2--Virtual Learning (cost, $3000 plus registration fees per child): 
GRA is currently training staff with a GRA classroom and communication software that will be accessible to students in either learning option.
Please note, you must commit fully to one option or the other. You can not switch between options once committed, and the full tuition of that designated option must be followed--even in the event of a government mandated shut down. 
Preschool and Kindergarten students will continue in person registration at a rate of $5500 and $4500 plus registration fees, respectively. 
For planning purposes, and to ensure that we can provide the best level of education and safety, it is important that all parents choose an option, register, and begin a payment plan as soon as possible. 
Parents must choose and register for an option by August 24, 2020 so that the school can plan and accommodate your child(ren) accordingly. 
As always, please don't hesitate to direct your concerns to the front office. 
Please watch this video:
Fi'Aman Allah, 
GRA Administration